Lots of sawdust

Well, a lot has been going on lately. We here in central Texas had a blast dealing with “snowvid” as we had a record breaking freeze hit us. We lost power for 4 days and had to deal with boiling our water for a couple weeks. Needless to say, that was less than ideal for completing wood work projects. That being said, I was finally able to finish this wonderful 8 ft table and matching benches for a military couple who were moving to San Antonio. I think it turned out great and they absolutely love it. Something else that I was commissioned to build was a stuffed animal zoo. I have been asked about one several times but no one ever followed through on the order, until now. I think it turned out great even though, there are a couple changes I would make on my next one.

Now for the big news. I found out I will be out of work as of the end of June. So, with that being said, it seems I may end up becoming a full time wood worker well before I had originally planned. That’s fine by me though as I know God has a plan and I know He will take care of me and my family. This will give me a great deal more time to knock out projects and hopefully more time to learn new things. I’ve reached out to a couple local realtors to see if I could market some projects to them to use as closing gifts for their clients. Nothing solid yet, but there’s a lot more calls to make.

I guess that’s about it for now. If you’re reading this, thank you so very much for the support and I hope you are doing well. Oh, and let me know if I can build you something great !!!