Living and Working on the Sun

Greetings everyone. Things have been a little weird here lately. My work has had us come back in the office 3 days a week so that’s definitely reduced my ability to make sawdust during the week. It’s been unbearably and offensively hot here as well. No fear though, I’m still in the biz and will still be building things for my awesome customers. I may have something very cool coming up soon and I’ll share updates as they come. This could be very exciting. Until next time, take care and pray for us here in Texas to be able to keep cool.

I've Got to Do Better....Welcome Back

Well, it’s been another year and I’ve been terribly lazy with updating our page. I will definitely try to do better. We built some amazing projects in 2022 and had lots of very happy customers. This year is off to a good start as well and I can’t wait to see what else is in store for us as we go forward. I decided to add a project category to the page called “Piddle Projects”. These are little things I build when I’m in between commissioned work and I really do enjoy them as they tend to be a nice break in the craziness or just a good way to get some creativity flowing. I’ve posted a couple pictures of some projects we completed last year but more pics will be in their respective albums. Make sure to check us out on Facebook @kookiekutterswoodworks for more timely updates and project pictures. Also, like I mentioned, take a look at all the project albums to see what all we’ve put together in the past and recently. There’s much more to come and I can’t wait to share with everyone.

Take care and God Bless

Jimmy from KookieKuttersWoodworks

Hot Wheel Display Shelf

Coffin Book Shelf

Custom Gray Kennel

Another Year Has Begun

Well, as you can probably tell by the title and the date, another year has come to be. Here we are in 2022 and we are looking forward to all of what this year has in store for us at KookieKuttersWoodworks. We’ve been busy working on a large shelf project and thanks to the bipolar weather here in Central Texas, it’s taken a good bit longer than desired or expected. Fortunately, our customers are the best and have been very patient and understanding. We delivered the first two the other day with the second half going home this week. I can’t wait to see them all in place.

I’ve put together some family game night “piddle projects” as well. I made a dice box for Yahtzee, Farkle and whatever other games that are dice related. I also put together a new card tray to make it easier to keep things in order when playing Uno or Phase 10 or whatever other card game.

I have some other things in the works right now but not to the point of posting pics but rest assured, when they’re done, I’ll be sharing them.

Hope everyone is doing well and thank you so much for checking in and supporting us here.

New and Exciting Builds

I am always seeing people ask about the Montessori floor beds for their kids that are outgrowing the crib. They’re a neat concept and seem to be pretty popular. As I said, I’m always seeing people ask about them. I finally had someone (a repeat customer) ask me to build one. it turned out great and they absolutely love it. It was a fun build and I really hope I can have the opportunity to build more of them for future customers. I’m currently working on a reading nook bench for someone and once I finish it I’ll be posting pictures. Christmas is rapidly approaching and thus the new year. Hopefully 2022 brings even more success to KookieKuttersWoodworks and allows me to share so much more with all of you.

It's been a while and we've been busy

Greetings everyone and thanks for taking time to check out what we’ve been up to here at KookieKuttersWoodworks. It’s been a little while (several months) since I’ve posted anything up. Well, it’s been a bit crazy with my day job, family and building projects, but here’s a little catch up post to show you what we’ve been up to. A couple months back it was our church’s birthday so I had decided to put together a custom podium as a gift and I think it turned out beautifully. The Pastors really liked it as well. One of them even used it as an example in one of his messages, which was awesome.

I had a returning client give me a sign her dad had fished out of the ocean after a big storm and she asked if I could build a table and matching benches from it. I told her it would be my pleasure and it turned out spectacular and she loves it.

Someone wanted some shelves with a small cabinet on the bottom to store video games and such so I knocked that out and the loved the end result. I really am becoming more confident in my abilities. I still have some learning and practicing to do, but each project is a new lesson.

Last, but certainly not least, I just finished up an American Flag coffee table for a customer and I can’t say enough how great it turned out. I started off very badly trying to do it quick and easy and that was a massive failure so I had to start over from scratch. I took my sweet time and painstakingly processed each piece and I’m glad I did because it definitely paid off. This thing is beautiful. I’m kind of wanting one of my own now.

PS: our church is putting on a marriage seminar and I was asked to make table top boards (kind of like charcuterie boards) for the table decor. I knocked out 26 of them for the event and another person in the church has decorated them up very nicely. It’s going to be great!!

Thanks for sticking around and be on the lookout for the next project(s) coming from the shop. Take care and God Bless!!!

- Jimmy from KookieKuttersWoodworks

Fancy Kennel

I recently finished up building a fancy barn door kennel for a very sweet lady. She sent me some pictures of what she was looking for and I got to work on it. I’m still working out of my drive way so weather slows me down at times, but I was able to get it finished pretty much right when she was wanting it. This was my first project with barn doors and overall I think i pretty well nailed what she was expecting. I put her original pics as well as my finished project for comparison. I think it turned out great and she absolutely loves it.

Staying Busy

So, we’ve been staying busy here at KookieKuttersWoodworks. I finally finished up a live edge Sycamore accent table. I’ve had that wood lying around for a few months now and finally got the inspiration on how to finish it. I finished up a set of six Adirondack chairs and did some project piddling with a couple smaller projects to test some designs. I am also working on a giant shoe box for a customer and hopefully i’ll have that done soon so I can post some pics up. i think it’s going to be awesome!

To keep up with what’s going on here, just look me up on Facebook @KookieKuttersWoodworks, or of course here.


Lots of sawdust

Well, a lot has been going on lately. We here in central Texas had a blast dealing with “snowvid” as we had a record breaking freeze hit us. We lost power for 4 days and had to deal with boiling our water for a couple weeks. Needless to say, that was less than ideal for completing wood work projects. That being said, I was finally able to finish this wonderful 8 ft table and matching benches for a military couple who were moving to San Antonio. I think it turned out great and they absolutely love it. Something else that I was commissioned to build was a stuffed animal zoo. I have been asked about one several times but no one ever followed through on the order, until now. I think it turned out great even though, there are a couple changes I would make on my next one.

Now for the big news. I found out I will be out of work as of the end of June. So, with that being said, it seems I may end up becoming a full time wood worker well before I had originally planned. That’s fine by me though as I know God has a plan and I know He will take care of me and my family. This will give me a great deal more time to knock out projects and hopefully more time to learn new things. I’ve reached out to a couple local realtors to see if I could market some projects to them to use as closing gifts for their clients. Nothing solid yet, but there’s a lot more calls to make.

I guess that’s about it for now. If you’re reading this, thank you so very much for the support and I hope you are doing well. Oh, and let me know if I can build you something great !!!

I made a mallet

So I've been looking at building a mallet for a little while now and I finally got the motivation and did it. This is my first shot at it and I think it turned out pretty nice. I'll definitely be building more as it was quite fun to do.

Dropping the “hammer” on 2021

Dropping the “hammer” on 2021

Starting off the new year BIG

I started off this new year by building the largest project I’ve done thus far. I built a GIANT dog kennel for an absolutely wonderful couple. They needed a solid space for their Great Dane and Yorkie. I know, interesting combination of giant and tiny dogs. Well, I built it and they loved it and once I posted the pics on FB it exploded. I’ve had over 200 reactions to that post and many inquiries from potential customers to build more kennels. We’re off to a good start here at KookieKuttersWoodworks and I can’t wait to see what this new year brings.

Giant Kennel1.jpg